Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Adult Onset of Food Allergies

I’m delighted to welcome recent readers from Hong Kong, Iran, and Israel, as well as a steadily increasing stream of readers from the USA, Canada, and various European countries.  Please continue to visit, and bring your friends!

This will be a short post today, but I wanted to share with you what I’ve been thinking about the past few days.  I’ve started receiving regular “Google Alerts” for anything that appears on the web about multiple food allergies, and one item that caught my attention was a post in the “Allergy Community” section of a website called  The post was from a woman who as an adult began experiencing food allergies to a variety of foods, though she had not had prior food allergies.  Some of her food allergies are not to the currently recognized “Top 8”, and some started out as mild allergies but got more severe if she continued to eat those foods.  Her further frustration is that the number of food allergies she has is increasing, and she’s afraid she’ll soon have nothing that is safe for her to eat.

This resonated with me because it’s all too true a scenario that my own family has experienced – first with my mother, then with myself.  Adult onset of food allergies, and the growing number and diversity of those allergies, seem to be topics much less frequently addressed than food-allergic kids and the “Top 8” food allergies.  This is not only disturbing to those of us who as adults developed food allergies but also disheartening because far too few people know (as I do from my own research and personal experience) that there are myriad alternative foods as well as extensive information that can help this large segment of the population.

Obviously this blog is one such resource, and I strive daily to add more sources of information and support to it.  My magazine articles and of course my book that I hope to have published soon are also inspired by my desire to provide such information and encouragement.  There are a few other sites out there that also address food allergies beyond the “Top 8” and aren’t aimed primarily at kids (see the links to the left and right of this post).  Nonetheless I am wondering how to reach more people like the woman who posted on the website – when I investigated further I found many more posts from as far back as 2007 from adults who, like her, were experiencing adult onset of food allergies and didn’t know where to turn for help in order to still be able to eat well.

I would love to hear your comments and anything about your own experiences with adult onset food allergies – both the difficulties and the solutions you’ve found.  And I promise I’ll share with you whatever I can find that will be of help, too.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Ketchup and pasta sauce with NO tomatoes or nightshades...

First, I’m thrilled to welcome an ever-increasing number of visitors to this site – in the past month several new online readers have joined us from Canada, and new visitors continue to come to us from Germany, Slovenia, France, and across the United States. 

Reports generated by Blogger.comGoogle Analytics, and indicate that more referral sites and search engines are finding this blog and that its rank is swiftly rising among food allergy blogs worldwide.  Thank you to everyone who’s visited, and please continue share this blog with anyone you know!

My post today is on the topic of “tomato sauces” that are tomato-free AND nightshade-free.  Last month I offered some suggestions on alternatives to using red or green tomatoes in recipes, but most of those unfortunately still use members of the Nightshade Family (of which tomato is one), leaving those of us with allergies to the whole Nightshade Family (Solanaceae) in a bit of a fix.

Two days ago I came across a recipe for red pasta sauce that DOESN’T involve tomatoes OR any other nightshades, and I was so excited, I started searching for similar recipes.  The original recipe I found was in a fairly old “International Macrobiotic Cuisine” book called Whole World Cookbook, produced by a group of editors at East West Journal back in 1984, and used carrots, beets, and red miso as its main ingredients.  My immediate thought was why didn’t I think of using carrots and beets like that?!?

Already I saw a nightshade-free sauce coming together in my mind – carrots being from the Carrot/Parsley Family (Umbelliferae or Apiaceae) and beets from the Goosefoot/Beet Family (Chenopodiaceae).  Red miso is soy-derived and therefore from a sub-family called Papilionoideae or Faboideae and which belongs to the larger Legume Family (Leguminoaseae or Fabaceae).  As the amount of miso required was quite small, I would probably leave it out altogether.  Alternatively, I could easily imagine adding various other ingredients to replace its saltiness if needed, e.g. coconut aminos or a smidge of yeast extract (Marmite).  Basically, the macrobiotic recipe I found called for pressure cooking the carrots and beets with onions and then adding the miso and various Italian-style herbs and spices to get the right flavor, plus arrowroot to thicken the sauce.

Inspired by that recipe, I did a quick websearch for other tomato-free and nightshade-free sauces, and to my surprise there were a number of similar recipes using carrots and beets, and not just for pasta sauce but also for ketchup – those of you who have to avoid ketchup because of tomatoes will no doubt be as happy as I was to finally get that item back on the table!**

Here are a few of the recipes I found (note: one uses yams instead of carrots) – I haven’t tried them yet, but am gearing up to do so.  If you beat me to it, please let me know how you liked the results.  I even found a company that makes such sauces commercially.  The best part is that with carrots and beets, you’re already getting more varied nutrients than you would have been getting with tomatoes or their nightshade siblings anyway!

Tomato-free red pasta sauce: 

Tomato-free ketchup:

Commercially sold tomato-free sauces:

P.S. For a long time now I’ve used a sauce made primarily of red lentils (which dissolve and become orange) as a pasta sauce topping that is also nightshade-free.  Doesn’t taste much like tomato sauce but is very flavorful and colorful plus a great source of additional protein.  I’ll try to post that recipe in the coming weeks.

** Of course, if you are allergic to carrots, beets, or any member of their respective food families, or to any of the herbs or spices used in such sauces, you would have to adapt the recipe(s) accordingly.  Fortunately there are a number of other vegetables that can be cooked to resemble carrots in texture and color but hail from different food families (such as sweet potato/USA yam or pumpkin).  For beets, you’d most likely have to substitute other red-colored foods, perhaps rhubarb or red plums?  Wait till my soon-to-be-published book comes out – it’s FILLED with food substitution ideas!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why Food Families Are Important

A big part of the book manuscript which I recently submitted for publication was an extensive and detailed list of food families and their members.  From both research and personal experience I’ve learned that knowledge of food families, and their inter-relation, is extremely helpful in aiding food allergy sufferers to avoid harmful and potentially deadly foods.

While many “food allergy cookbooks” contain a food family list, it is not usually very extensive and sometimes not even particularly accurate.  To be fair, scientists are still revising categorization of some food families or members of food families, so that could explain some of the variations from book to book – for example, until rather recently amaranth was considered a member of the Goosefoot/Beet Family (Chenopodiaceae), but now is categorized as its own family (Amaranthaceae), together with quinoa and tampala – and even at that, quinoa is in a different “sub-family” from amaranth, lessening somewhat the likelihood of allergy to one even if you’re allergic to the other.  You therefore might be fine eating amaranth even if you’re allergic to beets, swiss chard, and spinach (all members of the Goosefoot/Beet Family).  Or you might, as in my case, be able to eat quinoa without a problem but have to stay away from amaranth.

In my opinion, understanding food families is KEY to being able to eat safely and well, and to achieve that goal people need to know not only which foods belong to which food families but also the fact that two or more members of the same food family MAY OR MAY NOT cause the same allergic reaction.  Some people can eat certain members of a food family but not other members of the same food family, while other people must avoid all members of the food family either because of allergy to all of them or simply because trying to find out which ones might or might not be allergenic is not worth the risk.  Furthermore, allergy to some foods within the same food family may appear at different times, often in a progressive type of situation where first one or two members of the food family are off-limits and later on an allergy to additional members becomes apparent.

If being able to eat a variety of nutritious and varied foods while avoiding harmful allergens is at the top of your priority list, I encourage you to learn as much as you can about as many food families as possible.  Start by thinking back to high school science, when we learned that all living things are scientifically categorized in a series of levels or groupings which, ultimately, are all linked at their highest level (e.g. all plants belong to the “Kingdom” of Plantae – including bacteria and fungi and sometimes separated into six smaller kingdoms – while all animals belong to the “Kingdom” of Animalia).  Below the “Kingdoms” are myriad additional groupings that are more and more narrowly defined: below “Kingdom” is “Phylum”, then “Class”, then “Order”, then “Family”, then “Genus” (sometimes called “sub-family”, and sometimes followed by “Species” to specifically differentiate between differing forms of very similar plants or animals).

With regard to food and food allergies, focus is usually on the “Family” or “sub-families” (Genus) but sometimes we must look higher up the scale to “Order” or even “Phylum”.   Thus we can pinpoint and if necessary avoid the entire family of, say, Nightshades (Solanaceae), which includes white potato, eggplant, tomato, bell pepper, chili peppers, tamarillo, tomatillo, cape gooseberry, and pepino.  Or, we might be able to safely eat some members of one family while avoiding others – my mother, for example, can eat brussels sprouts and watercress but not broccoli, cabbage, turnip, radish, or canola – even though all seven are members of the Mustard Family (known as Cruciferae or Brassicaceae).

Knowledge is even more important with foods that are harder to pinpoint as belonging to a certain food family.  Take the Mollusk Family (Mollusca), which is actually not a family but a “Phylum” that can be divided into multiple sub-classes or sub-families but usually seen lumped together for ease of reference.  The Mollusk Family includes abalone, clam, mussel, oyster, scallop, cockle, snail, squid, octopus, and cuttlefish – the first six or seven sometimes “sub-categorized” separately from the others because they are found in shells…but NOT to be confused with “shellfish” (e.g. crab, lobster, shrimp) which come from the Crustacean Family (Crustacea) – itself not actually a family but rather a sub-phylum that can in turn be further divided into multiple sub-classes or sub-families.  Thus ANY of the members of EITHER of these two “food families” MIGHT OR MIGHT NOT be allergens for you…At a minimum, knowledge tells you that “shellfish” is a broad category and you might not have to dump all of the above into the “unsafe” basket after all!

Another point to keep in mind with regard to food families:  Sometimes you will hear the same name for foods from completely separate families.  Snapper and bass both come to mind because although red snapper is a member of the Snapper Family (Lutjanidae), some fish from other food families are also referred to as snapper.  Conversely, there are many fish called bass yet they can come from any of three separate families: Sea Bass Family (Serranidae) which includes its namesake sea bass, Sunfish Family (Centrarchidae) which includes black bass, and Temperate Bass Family (Moronidae) which includes yellow bass, white bass, and striped bass.

Lastly, the inter-relation of some food families can be equally important in relation to food allergies.  For example, the Rose Family (Rosaceae) has three main sub-families which are often considered distinct and separate families and therefore an allergy to one may not mean an allergy to the others.  These sub-families are: 1) “Pome” or Apple (Pomoideae or Maloideae) which includes apple, pear, quince, mayhaw, loquat, crabapple and rosehip; 2) “Drupe” or Stonefruit (Prunoideae or Amygdaloideae) which includes plum, peach, cherry, apricot, nectarine, and almond; and 3) “Tiny Seed Berry” (Rosoideae) which includes strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, boysenberry, loganberry, youngberry, Japanese wineberry (wine raspberry), cloudberry, and garden burnet.  At the same time, one of those sub-families (the Apple Family) is also closely related to the Birch Family (Betulaceae) and therefore an allergy to members of the Apple Family may also mean an allergy to hazelnuts, wintergreen, and birch sugar (all members of the Birch Family).

Likewise, the Asparagus Family (Asparagaceae) is closely related to both the Lily Family (Liliaceae) and the Amaryllis Family (Amaryllidaceae ), increasing the likelihood of shared allergenic qualities among asparagus, aloe, sarsaparilla, and all forms of onion and garlic.  Similarly, the Caper Family (Capparidaceae or Capparaceae) is closely related to the Mustard Family (Brassicaceae or Cruciferae) and within the huge Bovine Family (Bovidae) are several large and separate but still related sub-families (each called a genus) which thus inter-relate goat, sheep, cattle, yak and muskox.  Nonetheless, many people can safely eat both lamb and beef or goat meat, while other people may find they are allergic to them all.

The more I learn about food families, the more sense I can make out of why certain foods cause an allergic reaction, and the more easily I am able to use that knowledge to continue to ensure healthy, tasty and nutritious meals are still on the menu at my house.  I invite you to share your own experiences and learning in this regard – I am sure such knowledge will benefit us all J